Shir Hashirim (Song of Songs) is an allegory of the relationship between Hashem and the Jewish People written by King Solomon. The first Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, delivered chassidic discources on verses throughout Shir Hashirim, which were later recorded and published in his famed work, "Likkutei Torah" in 1848 by his grandson, the Tzemach Tzedek. Here for the first time, we present these discourses explained in plain English, easy-to-digest, 30-40 minute classes, covering one daf (folio-page) per week, finishing the entire set of discourses within the year. This project is part of the greater Project Likkutei Torah. Visit to sponsor an episode.

Latest Episodes

Likkutei Torah Shir Hashirim Daf 28 - Revelation w/ Rabbi Choni Friedman

Visit us at for more resources and sponsorship opportunities.ה. וע"פ זה יובן ענין שמחה של מצוה, שעד ידה נעשית יולדת זכר גם כשהאתל"ע קודמת....

Likkutei Torah Shir Hashirim Daf 27 - Simcha w/ Rabbi Choni Friedman

Visit us at for more resources and sponsorship opportunities.ה. וע"פ זה יובן ענין שמחה של מצוה, שעד ידה נעשית יולדת זכר גם כשהאתל"ע קודמת....

Likkutei Torah Shir Hashirim Daf 26 - Simcha Shel Mitzvah w/ Rabbi Choni Friedman

Visit us at for more resources and sponsorship opportunities.ה. וע"פ זה יובן ענין שמחה של מצוה, שעד ידה נעשית יולדת זכר גם כשהאתל"ע קודמת....

Likkutei Torah Shir Hashirim Daf 25 - Your Heart w/ Rabbi Chonie Friedman

Visit us at for more resources and sponsorship opportunities.שימני כחותם על לבך (מה, א)חותם על ליבך הו״ע תפילין של ראש שהרצועות יורדים על ...

Likkutei Torah Shir Hashirim Daf 24 - Simcha Shel Mitzvah w/ Rabbi Choni Friedman

Visit us at for more resources and sponsorship opportunities.ה. וע"פ זה יובן ענין שמחה של מצוה, שעד ידה נעשית יולדת זכר גם כשהאתל"ע קודמת....

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